Wednesday, December 2, 2009

December 2, 2009. Mexico. Nothing.

I am learning how to do nothing and enjoy it. Every stage of life, there is a whole new set of skills necessary for success. Always, every step of the way, is the requirement to try to figure out what is needed to obtain expertise to accomplish the task at hand. When young, there is a temptation to think that when you are an adult, all difficulties will cease, but the fact is that every ten years or so a whole new set of circumstances arises to force you to figure out a way through the present situation. It makes sense of course, because we get older and loose and gain competence. But it always comes as a surprise, how much we have to try to change our behaviour for every situation of your life.

Now I am getting good at doing nothing. Sunday, we stayed in the apartment all day, and did not even get out of our night shirts until mid afternoon. I watched tennis in the morning, and a football game in the afternoon. The rest of the time I read. The day was beautiful, but we stayed at home. I finished reading "Plain, Honest Men", by Richard Beeman, a book about the writing of the constitution. It is especially interesting today, as everything those good souls were fearful of happening in the country has happened. Hoe did it happen that the States who were powerful are now merely dancing to the Federal officials? And today I finished "Three Cups of Tea" by David Oliver Relin, the story of Greg Mortenson, who builds schools in Pakistan.

The most important thing we did today was have a massage!! You see, I really am getting good at doing absolutely nothing... and I am enjoying every minute.

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