Wednesday, January 13, 2010

January 13, 2010. Chevy Chase, Md. T.V.

I do not watch much television, even though I am irritated if I do not have a television available to me. I am kind of perverse in that way. At the farm where we are only there for the weekend, I have no problem, but when I am living for a week in one place, I really do like to have a good TV at my fingertips., even if I do not watch the set. In Mississippi we have no TV at the condo, and as all the bowl games were on at the time, I was sorry not to have a set. For the amount of time we spend there, the monthly cost is not reasonable so we will do without. We will probably figure out how to watch the games on our computer.

Of course, we do not have access to the Internet there too, but our neighbor does, and much to our surprise, we can access his service on our computer, at least we can when he is away from his condo. This is nice and very cost effective. I like to watch the Antiques Road Show. I also like to watch games, football and hockey, but that is about all. In Mexico, when my eyes are weary, we watch TV, and we see really good programs on the Discovery and History channels, but at home I never watch them. Every so often, Ken and I watch TV while we are eating dinner, especially if there is a Caps game and we are eating chili or stew. It is kind of fun, just like going to a movie but better. We like it, but only every now and then.

I have access to TV here at home and in Nova Scotia and in Mexico. Fortunately we will be here during the winter Olympics. It is my guess that the Mexican networks are not going to have much coverage and I do like to watch the Olympics. That is when you really need a good TV set. Really, I like TV and am irritated if I don't have it available, even if I don't watch it much. Such a foolish woman.

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