Thursday, January 21, 2010

January 21, 2010. Chevy Chase, Md. All Office Seminar.

We do it once a year. It is the time when every agent in the office is expected to join together for breakfast and for education. This is a difficult thing to do, because the agents have widely different levels of expertise and experience but we do it anyway, but we only try it once a year. Our purposes in holding this seminar are three: 1.We hope to learn something. 2.We hope to have some fun and 3. We hope the agents get to know each other a bit better.

Some years have been better than others, but today our seminar was excellent. It was held at the Bethesda Country Club. Bonnie, one of our agents is a member, so for the past three years we have held our seminar there. It is a great facility. In previous years we used Columbia Country Club, using another agent's membership, but we got kicked out!! The club is very slow to send us a bill, and if the bill is unpaid, the club has the practice of listing unpaid bills by member's name, so our agent's name was posted. Actually it was the husband's name on the list. No one was pleased so we were no longer welcome.

Out sessions today were two. One on Social Networking and the other Business by Referrals, both very useful. The agents enjoyed the morning together and they learned something. It was a valuable session.

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