Friday, January 22, 2010

January 22, 2010. Chevy Chase, Md. Success.

Today I interviewed three people who were thinking about becoming real estate agents. I have been doing this task every week of every year since I have been a manager, and that has been over twenty two years. Fortunately I love this part of my job. To try to find out enough about a person to make a decision to become part of their life is challenging and exciting. All three folks I interviewed this week are going to join us as agents. If all goes well, in several years they will have become major pillars of the office. That has been our path to success. Our standards for agent behavior and productivity are very high, when compared to most real estate offices, and our training is second to none too, so we end up with the most ambitious and able people wanting to join us.

Once the attitude of success permeates the office, the spirit just perpetuates every part of the office and is kind of catching to everyone who joins us. It is wonderful to behold and very exciting for the Managers.

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