Monday, January 18, 2010

January 18, 2010. Chevy Chase, Md. Dogs. Artemas, Pa. The Farm.

Dogs love to visit us at the farm. When we go for a walk, the dog runs a large circle around us as we walk, so for every mile walked in a straight line, the dog runs at least three times our distance. The dog loves it and when we return to the house, the dog is so tired the only energy left is to sleep, so everyone is happy. It makes you wonder why everyone doesn't live on a farm. It is lots of fun walking in the woods with the dog for the people too. It is a joy watching the joyous exuberance as the dog runs. In addition the dog tends to spook the animals so you see more deer. Today Tenor was at the farm and today as he ran as we walked he carried a red rubber ring, which made him ridiculous but cute. Tenor loves the farm.

Our friends Wendy and Clausen visited us at the farm this weekend, along with their three dogs. They stayed in the farm house, which gives them a lot of privacy. In addition, I wanted them to get used to the farmhouse so they could visit the farm any time, whether or not we are there. It worked out very well for everyone including the dogs. The stairs to the second floor are not carpeted and Glimmer their old greyhound was fearful of the stairs, so the two greyhounds stayed all night in the kitchen while Tenor stayed with Wendy and Clausen. Meals were served up at the hill house except for tea served on their arrival. Everyone enjoyed the system.

It is hard to believe, but this was the first time they had seen the hill house. They had visited the farm in the past, but not recently. Now that they have their own house I hope they will visit more often.

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