Sunday, January 3, 2010

January 3, 2010. Palestine, Texas. Fiesta, Texas.

I am not sure if they all really like those wild rides or whether they just like to talk about them after they get off, but those six girls, along with David and Suzanne rode ride after ride. Sometimes they rode the same ride many times, one after the other. The place opened at three o'clock and we were there one minute later. From that time until we left at seven thirty, they were busy people. Some of the rides are flat out scary, so at first we split up into two teams, so the adventurous group went with David while Suzanne and I took the other three. Cell phone technology kept us in touch and soon, after the wilder rides were over we met up and continued the day together. It was a lot of fun for everyone.

David loves all the rides even those that almost make him sick. They race from one ride to the next. The good part of the day was that the crowds did not come because it was very chilly. That was no problem for us as everyone wore a jacket. But then five of the girls rode the log chute and two of them got soaked with water. After a bathroom break, we realized that Mary Frances had a pair of pants that was sopping wet, so Suzanne quickly bought her a pair of pajama bottoms, which she wore the rest of the evening. "These pants are cool", said Mary Frances, and she wore them to bed.

I rode the Scoobie Doo ride, and the Ferris Wheel and the Snow Sled rides. I never could tolerate those sudden drops to the stomach or the twirling around rides, so I watched and cheered. Now I am old I have an excuse.

Mary Frances rode a ride with Kate, Abigail, and Sarah. David was off on a ride with Allison. Samantha, Suzanne and I watched the girls on this ride that I would never have gone on myself. While we watched we could see Mary Frances with her eyes closed and her lips moving. Suzanne asked her what she was talking about during the ride. Mary Frances said "I was so scared, I closed my eyes and I spoke The Lord's prayer out loud, because I thought I was going to die." But she had a big grin on her face and later that evening she boasted about being on the Big Dipper. It's another wonderful memory. I only hope she does not have night mares.

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