Saturday, September 11, 2010

September 11, 2010. Artemas, Pa. The Farm.

The summer at the farm has been hot and dry. Only three inches of rain since we left. The creek is not running and even the pools are small. The pond is but a shadow of it's former self. Alan told us they were forced to keep tanks of water full for the cattle. This is the first time in recent history. Fortunately we have a pump at the barn, but wouldn't you know, the pump broke and needed replaced. The hills appear tinged by color, but it is merely leaves too dry, not autumn colors of orange and red. The woods caught on fire the other day, we think at our old farm. The farmers are fearful of wild fires. Even the brush on the fields will burn.

In our absence, our calves were sold. Also Alan cut and sold four cherry trees, so we have income coming in which will off set the cost of the new pump. Alan cuts the wood when the trees are dead but not totally damaged. Then we split the cost which works well for both of us. He does all the labor, cutting the trees and trimming them, finally taking the wood to the mill, where they cut two identical cheques, one for him and one for us. Our goal at the farm is to make it sustainable and so far all is well. Both houses seem fine. It is lovely here at the farm.

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