Monday, September 20, 2010

September 20, 2010. Chevy Chase, Md. Driving.

We left the farm just before four o'clock. All the way home we listened to the football games on the radio. Satellite radio gives you many different games so if one game is not interesting you just switch the station. It is a great way to drive. We got to listen to Dallas lose their game, which pleased us, and we heard Pittsburgh win their game, which makes everyone at the farm happy. At least five different games were on the radio at the same time. Then we caught the games that started at four, including the Redskins, who were ahead the whole game but finally lost in overtime.

I can not sit and watch a whole football game, but when we are driving and I have many different games available to me, I keep interested until we are home. It was great fun. If one game is not competitive, I just switch the station. Ken gets a bit confused because I don't tell him always who is now playing, so he hears a score and thinks New England just scored when in actual fact I have changed the teams. Often it takes quite a long time to figure out who is playing and the score. The stupid announcers assume you know but we are just trying to figure it out. Keeps our brains in gear I guess.

It is a great assist for a drive, listening football games on the radio.

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