Tuesday, September 21, 2010

September 21, 2010. Chevy Chase, Md. My Car.

My car is no longer my car. The Salvation Army came and picked it up this morning. My insurance is cancelled and I am without a set of wheels. Now this is an odd feeling, to be an adult and yet not own an automobile. No telling what trauma will occur with my psyche. So far we are doing fine. Ken drives me to work every morning and Suzanne brings me home every evening after work. My thinking is that when I need a car I will rent it for the day. Tomorrow Ken and I both have appointments with Dr. Huang our Opthamologist early in the morning, then Ken will drop me off at work. We will see if it can work. It certainly is less expensive.

For the amount I drive, owning a car is silly, in fact it is a nuisance, so I have talked myself into owning only one vehicle, the truck. Now we must turn in my license plate which I have owned for many many years. When I ordered my vanity plate, when I became a real estate agent, they forgot to put in a period between the F.and the Ruth, so my plate became FRuth. Ever since I have been called Fruth. But no longer. My car is gone and my plate will soon be returned. I am into a whole new world of those folks who do not own a car. So far I am liking it.

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