Friday, September 3, 2010

September 3, 2010. Western Head, N.S. Storms.

We are getting ready, even though Hurricane Earl will not come here...probably. The bath tub is full of water, all the furniture has been turned over or brought into the garage, the whirly-gig has been taken from it's spot beside fisherman Joe and the buckets are in the bathrooms, all ready when the power stops working. One of the problems of having a well means using an electrical pump which will not work if the electricity fails, thus the toilets will not flush, except once.

Yesterday at the cottage we brought the boat lift into shore, also put the boat safely into the boat house, folded down all the furniture and stored the light chairs in the woods. So we are ready, both here at the shore and at the cottage. The storm is the first topic of conversation in town. "When is it coming and how bad will it be? Of course no one knows but you can bet, everyone will be doing the same as us, which is getting ready.

"Will the new wall stay in place?" everyone is asking too. One thing we know for sure. Mary and I will not be beside the wall during the storm. We learned our lesson.

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