Saturday, September 18, 2010

September 18, 2010. Artemas, Pa. Dinner.

When we are together in the country, Diana always invites us for dinner which we appreciate, because Diana is a wonderful cook. In addition, their son Ben had three friends from the football team visiting with them so it is always interesting to talk to these young men, all seniors at BCC High school. Great kids, energetic, enthusiastic city kids enjoying the country.

The evening was beautiful. We sat on their deck and watched the sun set, then ate our delicious dinner as we watched the sky turn pink then purple then violet. Finally the moon came out. It was a spectacular evening.

Over the summer, Gary and Diana cut down trees, opening their view to the south for a distance of many miles. You can see several rungs of mountains from their deck, where in the past you saw only trees. It is a great improvement to their view. They already have the best sunset, now they have the best long distance view. The four boys after dinner went to their far field to watch the evening sky and came home much after dark. It was a little spooky walking through the woods at night, they all said.

It was a very pleasant evening indeed.

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