Sunday, April 24, 2011

April 24, 2011. San Antonio, Texas. Easter Sunday.

Easter Sunday started early, with breakfast with the family.  Evidently, the Easter bunny left a message, saying that because of the dogs, he was unable to hide any eggs for the girls to find, but he asked Suzanne to set them out.  We arrived to find Suzanne busily hiding eggs in the back yard.  The Easter egg hunt was a big success with every girl loaded down with plastic eggs filled with a chocolate.  Each girl found a large clear egg filled with a treasure, which was to be one Saturday morning being in charge of the TV clicker.  And some eggs were filled with quarters.

The St. Luke's Episcopal church was full to celebrate  Easter.  The choir was excellent and Abigail and Sarah are acolytes so it is always lovely to see the girls carry out their tasks in an efficient manner.

Suzanne and David had invited two families for Easter dinner so when we all arrived from church, we all hustled around to make the preparations.   By the time everyone arrived at 1:30, everything was  in order, with the tables set, food in the oven and all the snack foods out on the kitchen counter.  Nine adults and ten children enjoyed the day of eating and drinking.  The children swam and played and eat and had a wonderful time, ending up with a Harry Potter movie.  It was a memorable celebration.  The friends have all boys, three each, ranging in age from 4 to 16, so it was interesting to observe the interaction between the boys and girls.

Everyone left by 8:00 and by 9:00 the kitchen was clean and all food put away.  The girls helped too.  I loved the day of celebration, and I loved the good food too.

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