Saturday, April 30, 2011

April 30, 2011. Galveston, Texas. Irene and Bill.

Last evening we ate dinner together and it was as if we had seen them yesterday.  In truth, we had not seen them since their son John's wedding fifteen years ago and other than Christmas cards had never even spoken, but once a friend always a friend, so we just talked and talked and talked, catching up on the lost years.

Ken was a Research Fellow in the Pulmonary lab. while Bill was in charge of Pulmonary for the hospital, so Bill was actually Ken's boss but Ken was researching some fancy chemical reaction in the lungs which was interesting to Bill, so they got along well together.

Irene graciously invited me over to her house when my first child Andrew was born.  Her first three children were girls, the youngest one two, and the others just steps in age older.  We drank tea and talked while the children played.  It was a haven of peace and elegance, visiting with her in her lovely home.   When David was born, when I was in the hospital, Irene looked after Andrew during the day.  In subsequent months, at least once a week, Irene invited me and the boys over for tea.   A good friend indeed.  As an experiences mother, she answered all my questions and saved my sanity.

It has been worth a visit to Galveston, just to spend time with Bill  and Irene.

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