Monday, October 31, 2011

October 31, Jackson, Mississippi. Hallowe'en.

It doesn't seem like fun, dressing up in costumes and pretending to be somebody else, but the children and lots of adults love it.    Perhaps I am not creative.   Both Kate and Mary Frances manufactured their own terrific costume.  Christina helped with Kate's hair and toga but the idea and implementation was all hers.  Mary Frances too decided on her costume all by herself., starting with her favorite hat, the dragon with a tail.  She wore black boots, and black fleece pants and jacket but the make up made the parts into a costume.  She looked great but not at all the scary dragon that Molly said she would be.

It is the second most important event of the year for the children.  For adults it is the second most number of parties after New Years.   Part of Hallow e'en is the trick or treating.  For the only time of the year you get candy and eat it all.

Ken and I have been invited to a front porch party, where while the children go out to collect candy, the neighbors and friends will gather and sip hot toddies and eat home made soup, while handing out the candy.  John and Greta Barbour are kind to invite us and we will enjoy watching the children as they come and go.  But I bet we won't come in a costume.

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