Monday, November 10, 2014

November 10, 2014. Franklin, Texas. On the Road.

The weather was perfect today. 75 degrees and sunny so it was a wonderful day to be driving east. Ken's appointment with the Neurologist was at 10:00 so by 11:00 we were past dealing with the sun in our eyes as we began our drive to Mississippi. Our family in Texas is anxious about us driving right now, and for good reason. Ken is seeing double in one eye so is not driving much at all and I have my pleural effusion, but when I am sitting, I feel almost normal. Of course, when I am driving, I am sitting so it does not really tax my abilities. Today we did fine. We have 7.5 hours until our arrival in Jackson but we will not arrive tomorrow. We will sleep in and hit the road at 10:00 Every hour or two we will stop for a break and a walk and we will stop for the day by 3 or 4. And we will stop for lunch. Today when we stopped for the day, I had a thirty minute nap so I feel fine. I expect to do the same thing tomorrow. Shortly we will walk to the Mexican restaurant and have dinner. And we will watch the football game when we are home in our lovely spacious room at the Best Western. Our day has been pleasant. It seems that as we get older we are also getting smarter at enjoying ourselves. It is a 12 hour drive from the ranch to our condo and we will take two nights on the road to get it done. 50 years ago that would have been a one day drive. But we are getting smarter…and slower too!!

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