Sunday, November 9, 2014

November 9, 2014. Harper, Texas. Honey Harvest.

David keeps bees. Once a year he harvests the honey that the bees have been working so hard manufacturing. The event was exciting. He and Suzanne invite friends to help. This afternoon, three couples and their children along with Ken and me gathered in David's garage/office to share in the task. It is not a simple operation. David had already removed the frames of honey from the hives. Of course, the bees are not happy so David wore his beekeeper outfit. Today we had 20 frames full of honey, ready to harvest. Everyone helped and seemed to enjoy doing the various activity. First using a hot knife, the honey is removed from the frame and set in the centrifuge. After 4 frames are loaded, the strong folks took turns turning the handle so the honey will separate from the beeswax. Finally, when all the frames are separated, the 80 empty jars were filled with the honey. We were a group of 20, sharing in the fun and ready to depart for home with the a jar of honey. But first, a delicious barbeque dinner was served in their home. By the time the job was done, the garage was a bit of a mess, but all the effort was worth it. The honey should last all year. David says that keeping bees is the most interesting hobby he has ever had. It certainly is the most productive.

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