Monday, November 3, 2014

November 3, 2014. Harper, Texas. Another Book.

This book is worth reading. Each chapter has food for thought and discussion. Many conversations arise from reading this book even if your points of view do not agree with the writer. The book is "What's so Great About America?" by Dinesh D'Souza. I am enjoying every minute. I emigrated to the US in 1964 and I view America with different eyes than those born here. The same is true for the author. As I came from Canada where the society and culture is similar, you could think that the habits and attitudes are the same in both countries but they are not, so I spent time trying to figure out how the place works. This is basically what this book does too, which is probably why I am enjoying it so much. Also I dislike the bashing America theme so this book is refreshing. His writing style is easy and the information readily available. One good aspect of not being perfectly well is that I have more time to read. Something good comes from everything. I have been wanting to read "What's So Great About America?" ever since it was published. Now I am finally doing it. You will enjoy it too.

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