Tuesday, April 12, 2016

April 12, 2016. Madison, Mississippi. Walt MacD.

This was a most surprising event.  Last Thursday, early in the morning, Walt woke up with severe indigestion.  Mary went for the Malox while Walt said they should go to emergency at the hospital, so Mary was pulling on her jeans when Walt slipped to the floor,  unconscious.  Mary called 911 and began CPR.   The ambulance folks were quickly on the scene and took over.  They started his heart beating and placed him on a ventilator.  And they took him to the ICU at the Halifax Hospital, where they have a cardiac center.  Walt had suffered a massive heart attack.

At the hospital they sedated him and cooled his body.  Interestingly, Mary M. worked on this technique when she was a graduate school.   Now it is being used on Walt.  When you cool the body after a trauma, the brain damage is less severe.  As no one knows how long Walt was without oxygen to the brain, the anxiety is that he has had some damage.  You will not know until he awakes.

We are encouraged.  Yesterday Walt was able to squeeze the fingers of the nurse on command and  wiggle his toes when asked.   He was off the ventilator for a period of time and not sedated for a couple of hours.   But there is great anxiety in the group of friends and family who love Walt and Mary.  After all, Walt was thin and fit and active…we all thought.  Now he is fighting for his life with Mary by his side.   We all depend on Walt along with many others.  But mostly we want him to get well.  I know he is wanting it too.

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