Saturday, April 2, 2016

April 2, 20016. Jackson, Mississippi. Something Good.

The reason I am writing from Jackson, Mississippi is because our Internet and Television are not working at our home in Madison.  In the middle of the night during a storm, a cable broke and our systems have not been working since yesterday morning.    Unfortunately, the company will not be able to make the necessary repairs until Monday afternoon.  Grrr.   I now drive to Christina's home to use her computer and internet.

Like everything else, something good comes from everything so this morning I drove with Christina to pick up Kate from Mississippi College.  The day was glorious so it was a lovely day for a drive.  Until now, I had never done anything than drive by the campus but today Christina and I parked and walked to see Kate's dorm.  I am 78 but until today, I had never seen a girls dorm room at college.  They look different than boys dorms.  The college is lovely and I can see why Kate is comfortable there.  I was pleased to see her dorm room and to drive around the campus.  And upon our arrival back home, I got to eat lunch with Christina and the girls along with their dog Rose.  Under normal circumstances, I would have never been visiting with the family this morning but today I have enjoyed this unexpected pleasure, all because our systems are down.  Things do work out. 

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