Thursday, April 28, 2016

April 28, 2016. Madison, Mississippi. Our Deck.

Now we have a big box to be used to store the cushions.  People in Mississippi leave the cushions outside when it rains.  The fabric is designed to repel water but after it has rained, you must allow the cushions to dry before sitting on them or else you will get a damp seat.  Ken does not like that system so he ordered a big box, which required assembling.  The directions stated that assembling the box required two competent adults.  Well we just laughed because we certainly did not qualify.  But Ken put it together all by himself.

This evening the temperature outside was 78 degrees.  Ken and I sat on the deck in our comfortable chairs in front of our table with flames coming from the colored stones.    Anyone looking at us would think we were daft.  But we were happy as clams.  Our deck is complete.

1 comment:

Mostly Mosaics by Martha said...

Ruth and Ken, have not been in very good communications with you all this spring. Sorry about your health issues! If we had known old age would bring such challenges -- not sure I would have chosen it! I can understand Ken's balance issues -- I have had severe pain in both hips and my back since Christmas -- and that has led to terrible pain in the front of my right thigh. Upteen tests and xrays and MRIs and blood work - finally am cleared to have a spinal epidural next week. Hurrah! Unfortunately the MRI shows some "hardening of the arteries" in my brain!! Balance has been off for about 5 years - and now worse.
But on the bright side - I still teach art one day a week at the small Catholic Elementary School here in Niles - just a wonderful cheery place to be! And I am finishing up directing a play. So .. the yard has an incredible crop of weeds (cannot balance to either pull them or spray them -- they are very happy and huge!), but .. the daffodils have been incredibly wonderful; and now the flowering trees are even more prolific! So, after a not-so-cold, but very wet winter - spring has been just a joy!
p.s. How is SaraLou doing?