Sunday, April 17, 2016

April 17, 2016. Madison, Mississippi. The Playoffs.

I am in hog heaven.  Both basketball and hockey has started their playoffs.  In the early rounds, there are many games so anytime I watch TV, a playoff game could be found.  It is lots of fun, at least it is for me.   I get to watch 30 minutes of a team who I never get to see through out the year.  I only watch a bit at a time because I am not good at sitting still,  so I end up having to look up the score.

Tonight late, the Predators who play in Memphis will be playing the Anaheim Ducks.   The game will be late as it is being played in California.  Since we moved here, we have watched the Predators on TV many times so they have become our home team.  We are cheering for them to advance.  Much to everyones surprise, the Predators won the first game so the second game will probably have a different outcome.  The Ducks are one of the best teams in the league and clearly overlooked the lowly Predators who only made the playoffs as a wild card and did so the last day of the season.

And we always cheer for the Caps but they tend to fold in the playoffs even though they have won their first two games this first round.  Last year they were up 3 to 1 and still managed to lose in the first round.   I cheer for them but hate to watch them lose.  They are such a talented team so maybe this year they will be move right through to The Stanley Cup final.

For the first time in a long time, no Canadian team is in the playoffs.  The Canadians are not pleased.   But they are tracking the success of the Canadian players who are playing, just to have a bit of fun.  No question about it, playoffs are great fun.

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