Friday, June 10, 2016

June 10, 2016. Canyon Lake, Texas. The Truck.

The good news is that Gateway Tire and Repairs in Ridgeland, Mississippi will reimburse us the cost of the repair in Texas, a total of $783.78.  The bad news is that they must mail the cheque and until I see the funds in our account I will be dubious.   The tale is interesting, especially if it had happened to someone else, but as it was our truck and our time and money, it was only irritating.

What happened is that when Gateway did our 100,000 check and replaced the spark plugs, they used the wrong plugs and no one noticed.  Two weeks after we left the shop, the engine started missing, so it got fixed.  But 3 hours from Texas, the engine began missing again, which got worse.  We just kept driving.  Turkey Cove Automotive, who have worked on the truck in the past,  took five minutes to discover the error and they fixed it yesterday.  The owner called Gateway and explained what had happened.   At first the Gateway refused to believe the story but when they looked up the parts list, they had to agree that they had made a mistake.

What happened was this: the mechanic ordered the parts, which were delivered and installed without the mechanic even checking to see if the parts matched the required list for that truck.  The incorrect plugs over time heats the coil so the spark fails.  Eventually we would have been stuck.  But the cheque will be in the mail on Monday to compensate for our expense of their error.  The Gateway folks were pleasant but I am not sure I will ever trust them again.  The best news is that the truck seems to be running well, which is a good thing because we drive a lot in Texas.

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