Wednesday, June 15, 2016

June 15, 2016. Harper, Texas. Questionable Idea # 1.

One day when shopping in a china store in Bethesda I spotted dishes on the sale table.  The pattern was called "Sarah's Garden".  Sarah at that time was 20 months old.  I bought the four pieces of porcelain and gave them to Sarah for her birthday.  Suzanne, being gracious, thanked me very much and put the china in a box in the attic.   Every time I needed a gift for Sarah, I gave her more chins, which added to the box in the attic.  My idea was to finally have a full set of dishes she would have for her first apartment.

Of course, I could not give a set of dishes to Sarah only so I started a set for Kate, Abigail and Mary Frances.  For them I bought the whole set and gave them as gifts in bits and pieces.  When we moved from Maryland, I gave the whole set to each of the girls.  Now both daughters in law have stored in their attics a full set of dishes for each of the older girls.  It seemed like a good idea at the time but actually has been a bit of a burden on both Christina and Suzanne.  The girls of course have not seen their fine china for ages but eventually, when they move into their own apartment, they will get to use their china, given to them by their grandmother many years ago.  It seemed like a good idea at the time!!

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