Tuesday, June 21, 2016

June 21, 2016. Harper, Texas. Dr. Stotz.

"You look like a million dollars'" said Dr. Stotz.  We both laughed gleefully.  Dr. Stotz is our Neurologist.  We like him very much.   He last examined me one year ago when he diagnosed my advanced case of neuropothy.  At that time I had no hair so was wearing my scrub cap.  My blood counts were terrible both white and red cells under 2.  I walked with a walker and had lost 45 pounds.  He suggested that I should take whatever pain medication works best for me because the side effects only appear over time.  In other words, I would not live long enough to make it to the side effects.

Then today I walked into his office in all my glory, walking with no walker, hair on my head and color on my cheeks with my normal energy in voice and face.  He was stunned and so very pleased.  He examined my neuropothy with his tuning forks and hot and cold metal objects.  Also checked my feet and hands with my eyes closed.  He asked if my Neuropothy was getting better or worse.  I told him that I had been doing leg exercises and walking and that I was taking Vitamin B12 shots and that I thought I was actually getting a bit better.  He agreed with me.  He thought that a year ago I could not feel the tuning fork on my feet, now I can.   My balance is still terrible but the stronger my legs get, the easier will be my balance.

When I was getting ready to leave,  we discussed whether or not I should visit him in a year and we both decided that it was unnecessary.  But as I was walking out the door, he said to me "I want you to know that you have made my day".   And I was pleased to.

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