Saturday, June 11, 2016

June 11, 2016. San Antonio, Texas. Family Time.

Sarah graduated from High School this May but we had not yet given her any gift.  This afternoon she returned from her job at a summer camp to find her gift sitting on the hearth.   It was a painting by Bernard Bowles, of a Nova Scotia river in winter.  She was delighted.   Sarah is working in the kitchen at camp, doing dishes, preparing and serving food and generally working long hours.  She has already decided not be be a chef.  She is looking forward to college at University of Texas.

Allison and Samantha are helpful in every way, looking after our need for water and chocolate.   They graduated from 8th grade and between the two of them, won more awards than any one else.  Both girls are conscientious and diligent at school and it shows in their awards.

Abigail came home from camp with a cold but was still her old charming self with her quick wit and sparkling eyes.  In July, the whole family will rent a 12 seater van to drive from San Antonio to Seattle, stopping at colleges on the way.  She has chosen a whole different set of colleges to consider than Sarah, which is a good thing.  Several are within an hour or two from Seattle, which is the home of Suzanne's brother Sam and his family.  While in the west, they will take a four day rafting trip on the Snake River.  After their two week trip, they will fly home.

A new parasite moved into the San Antonio area and has killed all David's bees.   After 10 years of successfully raising bees,  they are without their own honey.   David and Suzanne are looking after us in every conceivable way, feeding us wonderful meals today and driving us to and fro.  Ken and I stay close by at the Comfort Inn and they drive us to avoid us driving in the dark.  We are fortunate to be blessed with our wonderful family in San Antonio and we are enjoying our visit.  

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