Tuesday, June 7, 2016

June 7, 2016. Carthage, Texas. A Splendid Drive.

Ken drove like a champ today and so did I so we are now in Texas, which always feels good.  My goal was to leave at 11:00 and we did pretty well to be driving away at 11:15 with me at the wheel.  After a 2 hour drive, we stopped for lunch at a Popeye.   Perhaps we were hungry but the food was delicious.   Ken started driving at 2:00, intending to drive for 90 minutes but we could not find a place to change drivers so he drove for over 2 hours which was too long.  Tomorrow we will do a better job of planning ahead.  I drove for another hour before Ken found a motel on his phone and we checked in just after 5:00.

We are staying in a very pleasant Comfort Inn.  Our room is spacious.  And the hand holds in the shower are plentiful, which for us is essential.   Now we always ask when checking in.  A couple of times we discovered we could not shower because there was no safe way to hold on.  Our priorities have changed.

No restaurants were within walking distance so I ordered Pizza.  We could not face getting back into the truck.  My bathing suit is still in my backpack, dry as a bone.  I went to inspect the pool and hot tub which looked enticing until you looked closely.  Neither looked sparklingly clear so I decided to stay clear.   Instead I watched a baseball game, Mets against the Pirates.  Good game won by Pittsburgh.  Now after a good nights sleep we will get back in the truck to see how far we will get tomorrow.  So far so good.

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