Tuesday, June 28, 2016

June 28, 2016. Harper, Texas. A Bonfire.

This morning at 10:00 Ken and I decided to make a fire and invite our neighbors.  I made the calls.  Even though it was short notice, everyone seemed pleased to be invited.   At four o'clock we drove down the hill to get organized.  Our immediate neighbors arrived before I was ready so Lorrine helped me ice down the beer and water bottles and open the cans of nuts.   And we opened the wine bottles.   Then we sat and talked.  One by one our neighbors arrived and were delighted to see us.  Also Karen brought a dip and crackers and Kristy brought cheese so with our nuts and Pringles we had plenty to eat and nibble.

There is no better place for conversation that sitting around a fire.  Everyone was relaxed and no one needed to work.  These folks are the salt of the earth.  If you needed help they would be there to assist you.  By 8:30, everyone had left except Steve and Cindy and they helped me put everything back into the house and garage.    This was one of our better ideas.  Our ranch neighbors were delighted to see each other and to see us still walking and talking.   Sitting by the fire was the perfect place to meet and talk.  And I did not need to cook!!

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