Sunday, June 12, 2016

June 12, 2016. San Antonio, Texas. The Dinner Party.

We were 10 adults and 8 teenagers having dinner at the home of David and Suzanne.  One couple live in Austin and were friends before they moved to Austin from San Antonio.  They have all kept in touch and in fact, on Friday they settle on a house on Canyon Lake, right across the Cove from us.  So now all four couples will own homes on Canyon Lake.  The other two couples we know well.  A new person into a group is always interesting to me and this turned out to be true tonight.  David smoked pork tenderloin which was delicious, Bonnie prepared three types of vegetables grown from her parents garden in west Texas,  The Wright's brought  wine, appetizers and dessert and the Austin family brought cocktails.  It was food fit for a King.   The twins prepared scalloped potatoes which were delicious.  I ate two servings.

After dinner, the kids escaped to see a movie.  Abigail drive all 7 in Susanne's car.  The youngest Austin girl did not wish to go.  The adults talked.

One day the Austin man asked his son, who was 15, if any of his friends from church or school might be suitable wives in the future.   The family has 2 daughters and 1 son and the father and son often share in conversations dealing with "what do you think...".   The son wrinkled up his nose and said "Oh no.  None of those girls wold be interesting to me, but either of the San Antonio twins would do".   This story was quickly passed on to David and of course to the twins who are 14.   Everyone thought it very funny except Samantha who objected to the fact that either Samantha and Allison could do the job.   Samantha said "He must select only one."  We roared.

The dinner party was a great success, enjoyed by all.  And when it was time to come home at 9:45, Suzanne drove us home so I would not have to drive at night.  Ken says my night driving is not good.

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