Saturday, June 18, 2016

June 18, 2016. Canyon Lake, Texas. Gennera's Trattoria.

The restaurant was packed when we arrived for our 6:00 reservation and people were waiting.  Fortunately we were on time and our table was ready.   The whole restaurant is divided into separate sections, all decorated to look like an old Italian restaurant.   Marilyn's first comment was "How does this fancy restaurant get to be in Startsville, which is not really the center of the world?"

The Turkey Cove Group had dinner together at the Giddens.   We four were invited but I declined.  Instead Ken and I decided to take Marilyn and Tuppen to Genera's for dinner.  Our time together would be limited so we elected to just be together with the four of us.   Unfortunately, the restaurant was noisy so conversation was difficult.  But we persevered and enjoyed ourselves.

Of course, the food was excellent from the antipasto to the terimisu and everything in between.  That is why the restaurant was packed with people waiting to get in.  Fortunately I made the reservation ten days ago.  Ferrera's Trattoria is the best restaurant on Canyon Lake.

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