Thursday, June 9, 2016

June 8, 2016. Canyon Lake, Texas. Two Days and Done.

We did well.  One night on the road and we were here at Canyon Lake.  Our motivation to move along was the truck.  Three hours from our destination our trusty truck started to miss a beat or two with the engine, the same thing that happened two weeks ago and was repaired.  All went well with the truck until it started missing so we knew we needed to get the truck to our mechanic at canyon lake before they closed for the day.  We just kept driving and arrived on time to arrange to take the truck in first thing in the morning.

But we were tired.  By the time we unloaded the truck and I went to the grocery store, I managed to buy Ken Buttermilk for his breakfast cereal.   The lake house has no Internet.  We have used a fancy piece of equipment through the phone.  But our system was with Verizon so we left it in Mississippi and actually forgot that the lake did not have Internet service.  Ken figured out that his iPhone would work as a hot spot for the Internet.  By the time he figure it out and was up and running,  I had already gone to bed,  so today I am posting my yesterdays events.

The most important event of the day was that we arrived in one piece although we did not stop enough for sufficient walking.   The GPS sent us along highway 21, a route we have not driven for several years.  The roads were good and the topography interesting.  Texas has such variety in it's agriculture and foliage.  We always enjoy driving across Texas.  But we were pleased to arrive at our destination where the lake and the lake house look spectacular.

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