Thursday, June 15, 2017

June 15, 2017. Canyon Lake, Texas. We Made It.

The car was loaded.  We could not have pushed another item into any corner.  In order to get us organized and ready to leave the ranch this morning, I put things in the car bit by bit.  Four days it has taken for me able to load.  Even then, today were multiple trips for me up and down the stairs and in and out to the car, so by the time we arrived I was inclined to leave the car to unload until David comes Saturday morning.  But after a bit of a rest, I started to  haul stuff in, but the car is still pretty  full as I just got a dint of the work.

Every item that comes into the house has to find a new place.  In addition, new organization  is required in order to find room.  Our clothes are still in boxes but we brought lots of stuff with us.  For instance, I brought two Queen sized quilts plus two lap size quilts, in addition to a big wool blanket.  Now where will I put  them?  And we brought all the medications from two big cabinets, which must be incorporated into our already full bathroom cabinets.  So a big organization must be done.  But we will get it done, bit by bit.

The most important thing is that we made it to the lake.  I sat outside before dinner on the top deck, nibbling almonds and drinking a glass of water.  It is a lovely place and we like it here.  In addition, David had a second railing on the stairs and on the interior halls.  Also hand grips were installed in our bathroom so we can function at the lake very easily.  Now this home is again  our only Texas home.  Fortunately, it is lovely too.

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