Monday, June 19, 2017

June 19, 2017. Canyon Lake, Texas. Friends.

I have been blessed by my friends.  They add riches to me every day of my life.  Today Marilyn drove from Houston to visit us at the lake.  We have been talking non stop since her arrival.  We pick up precisely as we left off the last time except this visit we are all missing Richard, who died last year.  Richard was interesting and also interested in everything and everyone around him so we miss his spirit.

Marilyn has a busy productive life.  She lives in her old house of 40 years which she loves and she attends plays, opera and movies on a regular basis.  She walks for an hour every morning and at least  twice a week volunteers to drive elderly folks who can no longer drive, so she is making her contribution to the world even though she is retired.

Today we talked about the dismal situation of many public s schools and we tried to figure a solution.We decided to introduce competition into the public school systems.  In Ontario, there is two school systems, public and separate(Catholic) schools.  A tax payer can allocate tax funds to either school system.  It has worked beatifically in Ontario so why not here?  Both Marilyn and I agree with that.  And we have caught up on our children and grandchildren and our mutual friends.  As we have been friends for over 45 years, we have followed each others families.  And we are still friends.  Now that is a great blessing.

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