Wednesday, June 21, 2017

June 21, 2017. Canyon Lake, Texas. The Deck Furniture.

A knock sounded from the front door.  I knew who it would be because I was expecting the return of 7 chairs.  The young man had picked them up the day after we left the lake for the ranch.  On the phone, he promised to return them before we left.  He was as good as his word and I was delighted to see them.

Ken and I selected the deck furniture with one goal in mind, which was to be sure the furniture was heavy and sturdy.  We four bought this house well before Sarah was born.  When she was very young, she had the habit of organizing the chairs sitting on the deck.  Before we bought the real furniture, we were using light plastic chairs, which Sarah was able to move at will.  When she could barely walk she would push the chairs around into some pattern known only to her.  When we asked Suzanne what we should select, she urged us to buy heavy furniture, and we did.  That was over 17 years ago.

The only weak link was the sling seats, which were fabric.  Every year or so, a seat would rip or come apart.  Ken would repair the seats but a couple of years ago his hands could not pull, so the chairs waited on the corner of the deck.  When we arrived this year we found three chairs sitting on the end of the deck awaiting repairs.  Ken got on the internet and found a place outside Austin that repairs outside furniture.  It was a dream come true.  The young man not only makes the repairs but  picks up and delivers.  David and Suzanne found 3 more chairs with a rip, so along with the chaise lounge the young man in our absence picked up the damaged goods.   They look great.  We are happy as clams, all thanks to the internet.

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