Friday, June 16, 2017

June 16, 2017. Canyon Lake, Texas. Hair.

When you visit a barber, you can expect a haircut that makes your hair look like a man.  And the price is right too.  For $30. total, both Ken and I had our hair cut.  Now we are no longer shaggy.  In fact, we have very little hair

Ken's hair is easy.  It curls.   Even now, if he were to allow his hair to grow longer he would have curls all over his head.  A few months ago,  he bought a hearing aid on the internet and his long curly hair interferes with his hearing.   The battery makes a buzzing sound when the hair rubs against the aid, so he was desperate for a hair cut. For several years after we married I cut his hair but one  day he gave instructions.  I never said a word but the next time he asked for his hair to be cut, I made an appointment.  Today the lady barber cut his hair short.  Now his hearing air does not buzz.

All my life I have had easy hair.  Wash it in the shower, blow it dry in 30 seconds and I was set for the day.  And my hair looked acceptable.  Then I lost my hair and put in a request for red, curly hair, whenever my hair grew in.  My request was denied.  My hair has grown in straight with the color of  ash, and with no body at all.  I had no idea what to do with this ridiculous hair.  My solution was to wash my hair, brush it, then never look in the mirror again for the rest of the day.  When I inadvertently saw my hair in the mirror, I was horrified.  My hair was all over.  I began to look at other ladies of my age who had straight hair.  They looked fine but they always wore their hair a little longer so I decided to let my hair grow a bit longer.  Neither Ken now I have had our hair cut since January in Mexico, which would be 5 months growth.   But the longer my hair grew the worse it looked so finally I could not stand the feel of all that hair in my eyes.

Both Ken and I went together to the barber.  We got lucky with no one to wait.  Now we are both no longer shaggy, which pleases us.  Ken's hair looks great but mine may grow on me.  But at least my hair will not get in my face in Nova Scotia.  And certainly the price was right.

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