Sunday, February 11, 2018

February 10, 2018. Paradise Village. Olympic Games.

I will watch any competition, even darts.  But my favorite competitive events are The Olympic Games.    I know all about the political world of the Olympics and the drug cheating but I love watching these young people play their hearts outs, all the culmination of hours and hours of training and practice.  The athletes seem excited to play for their country.  And I am interested with both the failures and the successes.  I do love watching The Olympic competition.   Here we have only 2 channels, NBC and CBC, but I am pleased to have them.

Fortunately, we have four televisions in our apartment.  Last evening, Ken was watching a hockey game while he was resting in bed, Ian was watching news in his room while Rita and I watched the Olympics.   This morning Ian was watching news in the guest room, Rita had the Olympics on their TV while she was working in the kitchen while I was in my accustomed place on the couch in the living room, watching the Olympics.  

After a big breakfast cooked by Rita, Ket fixed the computer.  Last evening again, I got stuck and was unable to access my blog.  But again, Ken came to the rescue.  Now Ian and Ken are sitting on the balcony in the shade, enjoying the warm air.  Soon, Rita and I will sort Kens medications.  At the hospital, they put several of Ken's medications into his IV and stuck the medication all together.  Now we must sort them and try to figure out where they belong.  Not an easy job.  Rita says we are up to the task.  We will soon find out.

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