Saturday, February 17, 2018

February 17, 2018. Paradise Village, Mexico. Technical Troubles.

Once upon a time, guest arriving at Paradise Village brought one computer.  The system that was installed was adequate.  But now, folks come with an iPad per person, including the children, plus computers.   Now the system is overloaded and operating over capacity.   Last evening, the whole system went down.  When Rita called, she was told that it was being worked on but not expect it to be operating that evening.  This morning we were still not able to access the Internet so Rita called again, only to be told that she needed to take her devices to the service desk, where new numbers would be installed.  So Ian and Rita went down mid morning, only to find two long lines with people holding computers, iPads and phones.  But people were not too happy but they were not angry.

I too have a computer and iPad needing attention so at 2:00, I decided that I might get lucky, being it is Saturday.  Lots of folks checking in and out today.  The hotel has tried to alter the coming and going but still Saturday is the biggest day for change.  I thought that lots of people had already left today and the new people would not yet know the system requires devices be brought to the front desk, so Rita came with me, only to find there was no line.  One lady was having her phone fixed by a young man.  When she was finished, he took my iPad first.  Then the lady who had helped Rita this morning returned from lunch who promptly pushed the right numbers to install the new site for Paradise Village into my computer.  The whole thing took five minutes.  Some days you just et lucky.

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