Monday, March 26, 2018

March 26, 2018. Madison, Mississippi. The Medications.

Ken has always organized his own medications. But in Mexico, when he was sick, other people were responsible. The doctors changed medications, so soon, no one but the nurses knew what and when Ken was supposed to be getting, except for the Parkinson's meds. Ken had made up pill boxes so I thought we were set for a few weeks but I observed that the nurses were filling the pill boxes from our meds and the new drugs prescribed by the doctors. We arrived home with a mess. The whole top of our large dresser was covered with bags of pills. And I could find nothing easily. In addition, Ken had reordered his medications so we had all the old, plus the new from Mexico plus bags of the new prescriptions picked up by Christina. This morning, it took me 15 minutes to find his Parkinson's pills. When Rita and I returned from my scans, Ken, Ian and April the helper left immediately for the appointment with Dr. G. our Internist. After having breakfast and coffee, we decided to attack the pills, which was brave of us because we did not ask permission. We just took over. First we brought every bottle of pills to the dining table. We had found bottles in every drawer. Next Rita put all bottles of the same together. Next we put the groupings in alphabetical order. Our goal was to put all medications in a place where we could easily find them. Now Rita is putting each in a baggie, labelled with the name and use. Ken's strong suit is not organization, so Rita and I have taken over. Three pill boxes only will be on the top of the dresser. Everything else will be in the large dresser. We have yet to put anything away. That will be for another day. But we have done good work today. I hope that Ken will keep away from our organization. The medications no longer make me feel sick to my stomach. Disorder is a problem for me, and Rita too. Now, Ken's medications are under control. Whew.

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