Friday, March 30, 2018

March 30, 2018. Madison, Mississippi. Our Helpers.

Every morning at 7:00, someone walks in the door to help Ken. She will look after him for the next 12 hours. The daytime ladies are young and strong, which is a good thing, because Ken walks more during the day. They help him dress and bathe and walk. They do not administer medications and they are not nurses. They are helpers. At 7:00pm, another lady arrives and will remain for 12 hours. These are older ladies who have been helping people all their lives and now work other jobs during the day time too. Each of the helpers seem caring and kindly and want Ken to get better. They are all encouraging and complementary. At night, the ladies sit in a chair in the living room and read and sleep with only one lamp burning by the chair. If Ken needs help, he calls and someone comes, Betty and Emma are twin sisters who alternate through the week. I can not tell them apart. They are in their 60s. At first I was not sure they could manage to assist Ken walking, but it is clear to see that they have done this before. This weekend, we will have Suzette, who cares for another man with Parkinson's Disease. iPhones are a godsend to helpers. This was true in Mexico too. In the day time, the young ladies are on their phone any time Ken is either at the computer or taking a nap. They read and text and keep busy, but always on their phone. So far, the company that provides us with helpers has done a good job. Christina hired them for us. The other task they provide for us is to take Ken to doctor appointments. On Thursday, Kenida drove our car and took us to the Urologist. So we are being well looked after. And I am grateful for their help.

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