Thursday, November 1, 2018

November 1, 2018. Madison, Mississippi. Dr. Collins.

Young Dr. Collins is moving to Florida. His wife's family live in Jacksonville. Everyone lives there so the family decided to raise their only child, who is three, along with their cousins, aunts and uncles and grandparents. Dr. Collins and his wife have no family in Jackson. We are sorry he is leaving. He is a good Urologist. And he is the only doctor we know who encourages us to keep up with our wandering ways. "Just keep going as long as possible," said the good doctor today. Ken was not in good condition the first time we saw Dr. Collins, which was at the end off March. Ken arrived in a wheelchair and using a catheter. Now Ken looks good and walks well using the walker. All his plumbing works. So Dr. Collins is pleased with Ken's progress. Now we will be turned over to another Urologist in the same practice, which will be fine. Dr. Collins is having a hard time saying goodbye to all his patients, some of which he has cared for since he completed his residency. He begins work in Florida January 2. We will miss his efficiency and his quiet manner. We never wait. Before we see Dr. Collins we have already seen the nurse followed by thew Resident Doctor who asks lots of questions. By the time we see Dr. C., he has revived the situation and he gives us his decisions. He looks like he is 16 except he has gray hair. But he knows his stuff and we like his style. And of course he thinks the same way as we do as to how to lead your life. We wish him well in Florida.

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