Tuesday, January 19, 2010

January 19, 2010. Chevy Chase, Md. Kennel Club.

Gary is the only agent who has been at every Kennel Club. It is the toughest ticket to obtain in the area. Tonight we celebrated. Twenty one agents gathered together for dinner. The group is exclusive and special and even though these agents could go to any restaurant and eat anything they want, they feel special attending Kennel Club. It actually makes no sense on a practical basis, but it happens every year, when the magic occurs and we gather together in a fancy restaurant and present these special agents with a new gold dog. It is fun and it is exciting and it happens once a year in January.

Two agents attended for the first time and that is always a treat for everyone to see new agents meeting with such success. Kira came to us right out of college five years ago and she is a perfect example of the classic way to develop your business. She did it by the book and now she has just attended her first Kennel Club but I don't think it will be her last. She loved being at Kennel Club. Margie joined as a top agent but she has only been with the office for one year so this was her first time with her gold dog. It is interesting to note that the event does not get stale. Every year is as exciting as the first one. Great food and good company makes for a wonderful event and tonight we just held our Kennel Club, which was everything everyone wanted it to be. Hats off to the agents.


dave buckley said...

Congratulations to Gary. Well Done!

dave buckley said...

The nice comment was from my charming wife. I was going to say "not bad for an aging hippie Gary".

Dave Buckley