Saturday, February 13, 2010

February 13, 2010. Chevy Chase, Md. Snow City.

It looks like Montreal. Five foot banks of snow along all the roads and all frozen solid. The parking lot at our apartment has a ten foot snow pile. The main roads are clean but the side roads are a mess. This city does not know how to handle a lot of snow. The Mayor of Washington admitted today at a press conference that next time, they will do things differently. But of course, the next time might be fifty years ahead and no one will remember. The temperatures are low so nothing is melting, which again is unusual. If you wait a bit, the snow generally goes away. But not this year.

It is actually fun to return to a winter wonderland. It is unusual to see white ground from the plane. It was cold taking the train from the airport to Bethesda and cold walking to the garage. This time we took coats, and gloves, and scarves so we were fine. It was just a little difficult trying to drive around the corners with such high snow banks. The forecast is for more snow on Monday or Tuesday. Snow City indeed.

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