Thursday, February 25, 2010

February 25, 2010. Chevy Chase, Md. Rewards.

Every one loves to be rewarded. The truth of the matter is, that if behaviour is rewarded for any specific activity, you can be guaranteed that you will see more of that specific activity. It is true that whatever you reward you will get. That is why it so devilishly difficult to determine what actions you reward. Early in the evolution of the office, we decided what we wanted from the agents. We wanted independent hardworking agents who wanted to make a lot of money and run their business and do it properly. Then get on with their lives.

We in the office and the company agreed to reward that behaviour. Top Dog Lunch, Kennel Club, trips to New York are all part of the package. The first year we suspected we might have a shot at a Billion in sales, we asked the agent's council what should be done if we did it. They thought a trip to New York. I lobbied with Mr. Foster and he approved the trip, actually never dreaming the agents would actually make that goal. But in December of that year, Carole drew a thermometer on the board and the agents could see hoe close we were. Everyone worked extra hard that December to get us over the Billion. So we went to New York for the weekend and had a blast.

It is actually a bit silly because most agents could go to New York any time they want but it is fun for everyone to meet our group goals. This year, at the time when most people were in the depths of despair, it was absolutely amazing that the agents broke the Billion mark. So we went to New York, even though we have not broken our all time high volume. It is simple but true. The agents respond by working harder in order for us to go to New York for the weekend. And everyone had a blast once again!!

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