Tuesday, February 2, 2010

February 2, 2010. Mexico. Rain.

Nothing makes the good folks here more irritated than rain. No, not the Mexicans. They expect the rain to come in the summer and not during the winter, but they don't mind the rain. The visitors get down right angry when it rains. Lots of people sit in the sun all day, so I rather think that the break from the sun would be a good thing. I never mention that attitude though. Rather I just agree that it certainly is raining.

That it is raining now is unusual here in February. Last night just before midnight the rains came down. It has been raining ever since. All day it has rained. For us who never sit in the sun this poses no problems but for the poor folks who are here for one week only, the weather is unacceptable. It appears these good tourists think it is the fault of the Mexicans so the complaints come fast and furious. We just laugh and assure them to just wait a bit and soon the sun will return. Except Ken found on the computer that the storm bringing rain is sitting just off the coast and it may rain for several days. The Dermatologists will be delighted. Ken and I have spent the whole day reading and eating, as our refrigerator is full, but what has happened to poor John, the man who does not read books. He must have been miserable.

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