Saturday, February 6, 2010

February 6, 2010. Mexico. A Beautiful Place.

Bandares Bay is a large body of water with a small heavily forested coastal flat area , which is surrounded from one end of the bay to the other by rows of mountains. From our apartment we can see both ends of the large bay with the land jutting out into the sea, and behind us are the beautiful mountains, the Sierra Madres, surrounding the Bay. The row after row after row of mountains visible anywhere in Puerta Vallarta is what first caught my fancy. It really is a lovely spot.

And then are the birds. Pelicans really are ridiculous creatures, so large and ungainly, but my goodness, how they can fly. I love to watch them, especially when I see them land on a branch high up on the tree. They are much better at catching fish than the fishermen. We call it the fly-by each evening when the pelicans glide along the coast in formation heading for someplace else. It is worth a trip here, just to watch the pelicans. The magnificent frigate birds are here in abundance too. You can always see them flying so high, or perching on the crane across the street. They are beautiful birds. This place we live a few weeks a year brings joy to the spirit, just by looking around.

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