Wednesday, February 3, 2010

February 3, 2010. Mexico. The Storm.

It seemed to arrive all at once. Suddenly the winds came up and the rain poured down and we were in the middle of a real storm. The noise was deafening. The wind, the trees, the furniture; everything was moving. It went from a normal rainy night into the roaring hurricane. Fortunately it only lasted about twenty minutes, but during that time, the storm certainly caught your attention. We went from one window to the other, looking for another view of the trees. I felt sure that all the trees would be down by daylight. The storm was unexpected and vicious and did a lot of damage.

By seven this morning, the crews were making things tidy, cutting down broken branches with their machetes and sweeping up the leaves and small twigs. Our six chairs on the balcony ended up all in one corner while the table disappeared over the side and was in pieces on the ground. Two of the chairs were broken beyond repair. This afternoon, two folks from the association stopped by to inspect the property and were pleased to find only two chairs and one table gone. A man during our walk this morning told us that the wind came without warning and reached one hundred mile an hour speeds. Fortunately it only lasted a short time. It was brutal when it lasted. Exciting too.

1 comment:

dave buckley said...

This is a big year for storms.
