Sunday, February 14, 2010

February 14, 2010. Chevy Chase, Md. Olympics.

It is a dream come true, at home for two days watching the Olympics being held in Vancouver. Even the commercials filmed in British Columbia are a pleasure. I love Vancouver even when it is raining, but when the sun is shining, it is the most beautiful city in the world. And of course, all the picture we see on the TV were filmed with the sun shining, so all the lead ins and the pictures of the area make everything look beautiful. Next year we will make a trip out there.

I love watching the Olympics on TV. I love all the events on TV. I just wish more hours could be spent showing all the sports events rather than have the experts talk about the athletes. But I will not complain. I will just enjoy and be grateful I am at home rather than Mexico, where winter sports are not a big deal. My real fantasy is to be on vacation in Canada during the Olympics and where I have television, so I could watch both the Canadian and US coverage, switching from one channel to the next at my whim. I am told by my relatives that the Canadian coverage gives a wide range of the events and the athletes while the US coverage tends to focus on the American athletes events. My dream is to have no employment and no company, just watch the Olympic coverage all day and all evening. One day we will try to schedule it into our routine. For now, I will enjoy for the next two weeks, whenever I get a chance.

1 comment:

dave buckley said...

We HAVE been watching the Olympics day and night with CTV., TSN, Sports NET, as well as NBC to choose from and with various events on each. Irene.