Friday, May 14, 2010

May 14, 2010. Western Head, Liverpool, N.S. Lobster.

The gaily painted boats can be seen at first light in the morning out on our little bay. They are the lobster boats out of Moose Harbor. The lobster season ends for the lobster men in this area at the end of May, so this is the last hurrah. Farmers are like fishermen in that when the hay is plentiful, the price goes down and when the lobsters are plentiful the price drops. So the poor farmer or fishermen can't win. Right now the lobsters are plentiful so the price is lower than in previous years.

It is difficult dangerous work being a lobster man. The season begins in December and ends the end of May so for much of the season the weather is atrocious. Several times a day they check their pots, pulling up the pot with a winch, re-baiting the trap, then throwing the pot back in the water. At this time of year their pots are close to shore, so with the binoculars you can see clearly what they are doing. It is interesting to watch, but it does not entice me to be a lobster man. But I am glad they like it, because I do enjoy eating lobster.

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