Tuesday, May 4, 2010

May 5, 2010. Chevy Chase, Md. A Day At Work.

It is not really working, being a Manager Emeritus. Last week I was only at work Thursday morning, due to my eye surgery at noon. Yesterday I reviewed thirty contracts and write notes to the agents, also twenty listings, so it seemed like work Monday. But today, all I did was talk to people. I was part of sales meeting which was fun, led by Ned and I met with a fairly new agent who wants to be a top agent but is impatient to get there right now. The agent and I met for almost an hour and decided together that he must increase his activity leading to an increase in building his sphere of influence and reduce his monthly goals to become reasonable and achievable. Building competence and confidence in agents is something I can do well which is why he asked for my help.

Lunch was outside in our garden with ten agents, followed by more contracts and notes. I served tea early, which took about an hour. The details and activities in the office are being done by others in an efficient and competent manner so all I need to do is cheer. I have decided that being an Emeritus is a good thing, but it certainly is not really working. I am not complaining however but rather I am enjoying the status and lack of hassle.

Tomorrow afternoon from three to five we will have a cocktail party at The Rio Grand Restaurant, to celebrate beating our March volume of last year. For that I will consider it work...my kind of work these days.

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