Friday, May 7, 2010

May 7, 2010. Artemas, Pa. The Workshop

The first floor of the Hill House has always been a workshop. In the rear is a very nice laundry room complete with an antique table along with a couch and chair; also a set of shelves. As the house is built on a slope, the workshop level goes directly outside and four windows open out to the fields. It is very nice down there, so one day Ken and I decided to organize the workshop area and confine it to the far end, thus leaving the rest of the room for a TV area and desks. This has been the plan for about six months, but it was not until last weekend that we started work. Actually, Ken has done the work and I have cheered.

Now our lower level is pleasant and useful. The sound system and Cd's were brought up from the farm house so now we listen to music. I am now listening to a Smithsonian collection of American songs, published in 1984. The set of five discs I have not heard since we moved from Franklin Street in 1997. They still sound great. The impetus was the arrival of a desk and credenza from Fred and Phyllis. They would not fit into their condo, so we were happy to take them, but in order to find a spot, the workshop had to be re-organized. Last weekend I could not lift or bend down, so I was left with only directing the show. Now the room looks nice and cosy and only lacks a television set. The computers are all set up and in place, the couches and tables are organized. Now we just sit and look at each other and tell ourselves how clever we were, to make this lovely space into a functioning room.

I figure that when I am old and doddering, we can just drive around to the back lover level and go to watch TV, then get back into the Gator and return to the kitchen. I am assuming I will not be able to climb the stairs. Now I am ready!!

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