Tuesday, September 28, 2010

September 28, 2010. San Antonio, Tx. Puppies.

Moose is a perfectly proper puppy. He is affectionate, energetic and playful, just like a puppy should be. Crush grabs his collar and throws him to the ground. Right now they are playing with the same toy, a rope knotted at each end, The goal is to keep the toy for themselves, except when one dog finally gets control of the toy, it is returned to the feet of the other, all to start the game again. Eventually Moose will be taller and heavier than Crush, but for the moment, Crush is the man in charge. Except Moose can open the door with the handle, thus allowing them both into the house. Crush has been with the family for eight years and never tried to open the door, but now the door must be kept locked. Moose must be smart.

When we first arrived yesterday, I immediately went outside to inspect the puppy. I sat on a chair on the deck and Moose came over and put his nose on my leg and just waited to be petted. He stayed there without biting or nipping, just looking up hoping I would keep stroking his head. Of course, Crush was right by my other leg. It was endearing to see both dogs standing waiting for some love. David takes Moose for a walk every night and Suzanne takes both dogs for a walk each morning. When they walk, Moose walks as close as possible beside Crush, trying to learn the ropes. Crush tolerates the puppy most of the time but every so often Moose ends up on his back with four legs in the air.

David was right. Two dogs are better than one, especially when the dogs are Crush and Moose.


Joe Rubin said...

Apro pos of nothing, I do hope you can find a way to see Ken Burns' latest documentary "The Tenth Innintg" currently running (a lot) on PBS. A follow up to his outstanding earlier documentary on baseball, this is an epilogue of more recent baseball history. I'll never forget the most boring game I ever attended turned to the most interesting with you remarkably insightful analysis. You need to see this.

Joe Rubin said...

Apropos of nothing, I do hope you can find a way to see Ken Burns' latest documentary "The Tenth Innintg" currently running (a lot) on PBS. A follow up to his outstanding earlier documentary on baseball, this is an epilogue of more recent baseball history. I'll never forget the most boring game I ever attended turned to the most interesting with you remarkably insightful analysis. You need to see this.

Rambling with Ruth said...

Joe, I will watch this series but I will buy the video so I can watch it all at once. Yes, I love to watch the baseball games. Ruth.